Apologizing for computer failure

Author's Blog

I’m attempting to reach all those who took interest in my first blog to reply back in response to my recently released book ” What If ”

I regretful must apologize for the inconvenience. I went on a few day vacation and while I was gone my computer crashed and I lost everything. I’m truly  sorry about what happened, but I’ve no choice but to ask all of you who took the time to rely back to do it again.

I was looking forward to your comments regarding how you perceived the story so that I could possibly adjust my writing for my next book to where it might become more compatible to everyone liking.

Again I must thank all of your for your indulgence as well as your readership. Please send your comments to Paparichter43@gmail.com.

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Apologizing for computer failure

I’m attempting to reach all those who took interest in my first blog to reply back in response to my recently released book ” What If ”

I regretful must apologize for the inconvenience. I went on a few day vacation and while I was gone my computer crashed and I lost everything. I’m truly  sorry about what happened, but I’ve no choice but to ask all of you who took the time to rely back to do it again.

I was looking forward to your comments regarding how you perceived the story so that I could possibly adjust my writing for my next book to where it might become more compatible to everyone liking.

Again I must thank all of your for your indulgence as well as your readership. Please send your comments to Paparichter43@gmail.com.

About my book ” What If “

Hi, Everyone.

First off I would like to introduce myself, and give you my Blog Address. Which is Arthur Richter. wordpress. com

With all that aside let’s get into me. I’m 29 going on 72,  ex-military , happily married for 47 years looking for 47 more, and a promising author who just finished writing the most incredible story that I honestly believe everyone should read.

Not just because I wrote it, but because I honestly believe that it will connect with everyone from the ages of 13 to 90.

Basically ” What If ” is a human interest story, but what makes it so  comparable to everyone daily lives is that it could be happening right now even with your next store neighbor or even amongst those related to you.

Maybe not in the way I’m depicting it within the story but never the less to some extent happening. That’s how true to life the story line is  even though being fictionalized not to offend anyone who might in some manner or form assicate with the contents written within.

I’m welcoming all those who read it to reply back to me and to give me your honest  opinion about how you felt about it.

You can obtain it at Barnes & Nobles I’ll be waiting on your comments.

Have a nice day each and everyone of you.